Alexandra's Books

Hello! 👋

July 23, 2021

Hello lovelies! Welcome to Alexandra’s Books! I’m an independent amateur book reviewer planning to post about all the books I’ve been reading recently with some little reviews.

This is me

✨✨ Some fun facts about me ✨✨

  • I’m a Kiwi, from down under in Aotearoa New Zealand 🇳🇿 I was born and raised here, and have lived here my whole life.
  • As a child, I was in a kids lit quiz team and could go through 5 books a week… these days I’m a slower reader so I’m happy to get through 2 per week
  • I don’t own enough books and I wish I had a bigger bookshelf to fit my books in, but I’m working on it
  • My TBR is currently 246 books long and ever growing! I don’t quite know what to do with all the books I want to read.
  • I’m a software engineer, but I also kind of hate technology! It’s a bit of a weird combination - but I did build this blog from scratch which has been a great challenge
  • I cannot read anything on a screen unless I’m annotating! It just doesn’t feel right - even a short news article (or even a blog post) can be such a struggle
  • I love collecting house plants, but don’t really have room for them and have to be very careful not to spend too much on them!
  • I love to go tramping (hiking), especially when there’s a lovely view at the end!

Here are some pictures of what my life looks like here in New Zealand!

✨✨ What to expect from this blog ✨✨

While I’d love to say I know what I’m doing when it comes to book reviews, I know that this is not quite true. I promise to be as honest as I can, respect the authors, and acknowledge that other readers may have completely different perspectives to me.

I’m looking forward to going on this journey with you all!

Written by Alexandra

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